Dog Friendly Directory

Food & Drink


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Lockdown has proven that daily outings with our dogs are crucial to both of our happiness.
Find your best dog friendly life with this directory of adventures you can do together.

We’re adding more every day. Be sure to rate your faves!
Please tell us new ones to include!

Life goes better with a dog.
Find your best dog friendly life adventures here.

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Food & Drinks

We all love getting out in the world with our dogs. Lockdown has hit a lot of the restaurant and hospitality industry especially hard. As we emerge from our bubbles reminded of how much we appreciate even small gatherings, let’s support our dog-friendly venues and head there first – together. Be safe. Shine bright x


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I love a dog love letter
Get our Love Letter

Sign up to our Love Letter for dog nutrition & natural health tips, dog health news & special offers.

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Food & Drinks

Perhaps never before have we appreciated the great outdoors so much as when we’re emerging from lockdown. From beautiful beaches to peaceful parks, get out there for adventures with your dog and your friends today!



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I love a dog love letter
Get our Love Letter

Sign up to our Love Letter for dog nutrition & natural health tips, dog health news & special offers.

We make super healthy home feeding super easy!

Our Medible range reflects their ancestral diet plus the latest canine nutritional research.

Boost your dog’s nutrition and support their specific health issues easily by adding one or more of our meal module formulas to their current diet; or combine all modules (with fresh meat) to create a super charged meal that is even better than nature intended!

We make super healthy home feeding super easy!

Our Medible range reflects their ancestral diet plus the latest canine nutritional research.

Boost your dog’s nutrition and support their specific health issues easily by adding one or more of our meal module formulas to their current diet; or combine all modules (with fresh meat) to create a super charged meal that is even better than nature intended!