Hi I’m Donna! This is my beloved dog Ruby.

Thanks for visiting us at I Love a Dog. I’m guessing you love a dog or dogs too, or perhaps want to love a dog. Welcome to our community and pack! It’s great to have you here.

Dogs and humans have shared a special connection for thousands of years, each supporting, serving, protecting and, yes… loving the other. It’s a symbiotic relationship in the truest sense.

At I Love a Dog we want to celebrate and support everything about our relationship with our dogs and aim to help you love your dog better every day. Love your dog better for a better, happier, longer life through better nutrition, better fitness and healthcare, better training and socialisation, better fun and adventure and better connection. Oh and cool toys and gear… :p

We all want to give our dog the best love possible, but caring for and loving a dog well in today’s modern world of so many ailments, environmental pressures, food choices, toxins, medical options and living situations can be confusing and challenging. Knowing what’s best for you and your dog isn’t always easy to determine so here you’ll find some good, well researched information on a range of useful topics to help you make good choices. We’ve also set up an ever expanding Expert Advisory Pack of various experts to help with any specific concerns that you have (head here if you want to ask an expert you’re concerned about).

Much of the information we present here is as a result of my studies and research over the years in Small Animal Nutrition, some is as a result of my life adventures with Ruby, some in response to Ruby’s cancer diagnosis, her life as a tripawd (head here for more info and an update on that), her surprise remission for a year and a half and then more recently with her passing.

some just as a passionate dog lover who thinks it’s important that any recommendations or decisions regarding my dog’s health are supported by good research, not just good marketing campaigns.

Topics covered essentially reflect what I’ve needed to know over the years for Ruby, as well as as a result of talking with countless dog lovers about their concerns and investigating some answers and ideas for them. Check them out here. If you would like to share your thoughts, ideas or issues with us, please head here, we’d love you to be part of the world’s biggest dog survey with us!

As well as our own range of ‘medible’ treats that we think provide your dog the very best nutrition your money can buy (check them out here); I’ve also sourced what I think are great quality products that I use for Ruby that you too might be interested in for your dog. There’s food and nutrition, as well as great gear and gadgets. Check them out here. And I’d love to hear your recommendations of what works for you and your dog too. It’s a constantly growing list so if you have any favourite things you would like to suggest and share with the pack please let us know (here).

The other two elements of this site that I’m excited to tell you about are our Dog Service Directory and Dog Friendly Living Directory that are currently being developed and due for launch later this year. The Dog Service Directory is going to be a searchable listing of qualified and reputable dog walkers, trainers, groomers, vets, therapists and other service providers in your area. If you’d like to nominate your dog walker or other service providers you can do so here.

The Dog Friendly Living Directory will lead you to dog friendly cafes, restaurants and bars, parks, beaches and other areas to enhance your dog friendly life, at home or (at this stage) travelling along the east coast of Australia (later to be national). If you have a favourite café, bar, beach or park that you’d like to share please do so here.

Anything you’d like to add, suggest, question or investigate please let us know here.


Founder and muse/chief taste tester of I Love a Dog

I’ve been a dog lover my whole life. I was lucky enough to have dogs from when I was born and when I was a little girl my dad got involved with dog obedience training after introducing our dog to it. He became an instructor and I became the chief handler of our golden Labrador, Melody. I was one of the youngest handlers in competitions and I even got to bring Melody to my primary school assembly to show off her skills.

After a bit of a break during my 20’s it has been a joy to welcome Ruby (a loving chocolate Labrador) to my life just over 5 years ago.

Finding the best food for Ruby led me to research and eventually undertake formal study in Small Animal Nutrition, specialising in dogs.

Ruby and I are currently travelling up and down the eastern coast of Australia talking to dog lovers and their dogs about what’s great about their life together and what would make it better.